Lydia Fournier
Lydia Fournier, B.C.L., LL.B.
Christine Lévesque
450 973-4020 #239
[email protected]
Ms. Fournier is a partner-owner in the firm. She counsels and represents our clients before administrative and civil courts in matters pertaining to disciplinary measures, complaints to the CNESST, grievance arbitration, charter-related issues, psychological harassment claims and occupational health and safety matters. She previously worked for an organization where she gained extensive expertise in labour law in the field of education. Author, speaker and trainer, she co-directs our training department. Ms. Fournier has been listed in the Best Lawyers directory since 2023.
Academic training
- McGill University - B.C.L., LL.B. - 2001
- University of Salamanca, Spain - Degree in Spanish - 1997
Professional Affiliations
- Member of the Barreau du Québec
- Member of the Canadian Association of Counsel to Employers (CACE)
Involvement / Outreach
- Selected by his peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in Canada, Edition 2023, in the practice area of Labour and Employment Law
Conferences and trainings
- Rédiger une mesure disciplinaire: les paroles s'envolent mais les écrits restent, Webinar broadcast by Éditions Yvon Blais, November 2, 2016
- Une filature doit être effectuée selon les règles de l’art, Webinar broadcast by Éditions Yvon Blais, October 29, 2015
- Droit de gérance à l’ère des nouvelles technologies de l’information et des médias sociaux, Webinar broadcast by Éditions Yvon Blais, March, 14, 2014
Other publications
- Cross Canada Labour Law Update - Recent Developments in Québec Labour Law - 2014 Convention of the Canadian Association of Counsel to Employers (CACE)
- Obération injuste dans le cas de contribution majoritaire d'un tiers: l'affaire ministère des Transports et son influence - Développements récents en santé et sécurité du travail, Éditions Yvon Blais - Barreau du Québec, Volume 303, 2009
The relationships between an employer and his employees and executives are governed on a daily basis by a number of legislative provisions. It is essential for any HR manager to have a working knowledge of minimal labour standards, of the notices to be given in cases involving termination of employment, and of the recourses provided by the Act respecting Labour Standards.
Learn moreAs an administrator, you are expected to negotiate agreements with your employees in order to avoid litigation or to bring closure to it, whether it is a termination of employment agreement, or the settlement of a grievance or complaint to the Tribunal administratif du travail (TAT). The document that legalizes this agreement is called a transaction, which is subject to the rules of contract law. The writing of this agreement is important!
Learn moreGet a front-row seat for this review of the year in labor relations, and the decisions that have shaped the daily lives of employers in 2024. Understand the concrete impact of these decisions on your management, and take the measure of the changes to come.
Learn moreAbsenteeism is a growing concern in any business. Replacement costs, shuffling employees to fill vacant positions, and loss of productivity are just some of the factors that force any thriving business to control absenteeism as much as possible. A casual approach leads to even more serious consequences: the loss of motivation among workers who are not delinquent absentees.
Learn moreLABOR AND EMPLOYMENT LAW AND OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY - Whether you work in labour relations or occupational health and safety, this training is for you! On October 6, 2022, new provisions on vocational rehabilitation came into force, expressly integrating into the AIAOD the concept of the employer's duty to accommodate a worker with a disability resulting from his or her employment injury. This new regime, which has been broadened to promote reintegration into the workplace, is nevertheless restrictive for employers. Increased powers have been given to the CNESST, which will become the "project manager" of the accommodation exercise. During this training session, we will shed light on the duty to accommodate and its limits, from a practical perspective that will enable you to interact with the CNESST in an informed manner in your rehabilitation files.
If you would like to learn more, there are four other workshops on work-related injuries available.
LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT LAW AND OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY - Telework is here to stay, and even though labour laws were not developed for this mode of work organization, they apply. This training will allow you to learn about your obligations and the legal issues related to telework, especially since the Act to modernize the OHS system adds new obligations for employers concerning the protection of workers' psychological health and the risks of exposure to violence in the workplace, including domestic violence.
Learn moreHR managers need to ensure that their organisation can count on able employees, while physicians are expected to establish a trusting relationship with their patients. Both sides have their area of expertise and their role to fulfil. Without disputing the role and qualifications of attending physicians, you have the right to ask questions.
Learn morePublications

Release date: October 1st, 2024
ISBN: 978-2-89730-742-4
, Electronic
, Combo
To the exclusive service of employers, Le Corre offers training workshops and publications on subjects solely pertaining to labour law. Both these tools help managers and human resources professionals to deal more effectively with the daily legal framework of their businesses.