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Telework: What employers need to know

LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT LAW AND OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY - Telework is here to stay, and even though labour laws were not developed for this mode of work organization, they apply. This training will allow you to learn about your obligations and the legal issues related to telework, especially since the Act to modernize the OHS system adds new obligations for employers concerning the protection of workers' psychological health and the risks of exposure to violence in the workplace, including domestic violence.

Training whose eligibility has been confirmed by the Barreau du Québec for 3,25 for the purposes of continuing professional education
Sceau CRHA Approved by the Ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines agréés for 3,25 hours of continuing professional development


Lydia Fournier


8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.


$425.00 + taxes

No dates available yet

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  • Determine the applicable legislation regarding telework
  • Understand the OHS issues
  • Guide managers in the adoption of a telework policy
  • Enable the manager to understand his or her new role in managing the performance of the teleworker
  • Analyze some of the disciplinary mistakes that can be made by the teleworker


  • Right to privacy
  • Working conditions
  • Confidentiality and data security
  • Occupational Health and Safety
  • Harassment, Civility and Courtesy
  • Employment Injury Claims
  • Telecommuting Policy
  • Performance Management
  • Discipline management
    - Attendance at work
    - Use of computer equipment and network
    - Respect for confidentiality

Subscription conditions and information

Read the conditions

Subscription conditions and information

Our training courses are presented by videoconference on the Zoom platform.

We are a recognized training organization with Emploi Quebec under the number 0007455.

Training sessions costs:

  • 2-hour training session without book: $255 plus taxes per person
  • Half-day training session without book: $425 plus taxes per person
  • Half-day training session with book: $475 plus taxes per person
  • Full-day training session without book: $595 plus taxes per person 
  • Full-day training session with book: $650 plus taxes per person 

For more information, see Workshop description

GST # 12416 9004 PST #1001388785

Conditions: Registration fees are payable in advance by credit card. Registration fees are non-refundable in the event of cancellation less than 8 calendar days prior to workshop. No notice is required to transfer the session(s) to a colleague.

Confirmation of registration will be sent by email. We reserve the right to decline registrations or cancel workshops.

To the exclusive service of employers

To the exclusive service of employers, Le Corre offers training workshops and publications on subjects solely pertaining to labour law. Both these tools help managers and human resources professionals to deal more effectively with the daily legal framework of their businesses.


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